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HOME DoctorCost of IVF in Siliguri - DR. PRIYANKUR ROY

Cost of IVF in Siliguri - DR. PRIYANKUR ROY

About Company

DR. PRIYANKUR ROY is one of the leading doctors, who tends to have remarkable expertise in infertility treatment and Gynae- Endoscopy. He is known for his worldwide achievements in the medical field. Some of the best treatment options provided by DR. PRIYANKUR ROY are high-risk pregnancy, In Vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Tesa-Tesa-Mesa, Egg Donation, and surrogacy. The cost of IVF in Siliguri can vary depending on factors like the reputation of the clinic, the complexity of the overall procedure, and the specific medical needs of the patients. In addition to that other factors like medication, hormonal treatments, egg retrieval, sperm collection, embryo freezing, and diagnostic tests, and may increase the overall cost. Booking your first appointment with DR. PRIYANKUR ROY today by calling +91 97751 77700 for more information check the given visit link

Company Information & Address

Name :

Dr. Priyankur Roy

Our Address :

Tilak Rd, Ward 12

City Area :

Hakim Para

City :


State :

West Bengal

Mobile No :

97751 77700

Telephone No :


Email :

Website :

Company Title - Cost of IVF in Siliguri - DR. PRIYANKUR ROY

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